During the week, I'm lucky if I have time for my morning coffee before heading off to work. Making myself a real breakfast is often saved for the weekend. I woke up early after only a few hours of rest and no matter how much tossing and turning I did, I just couldn't get back to sleep.
Even though today is my "Sunday" (I work at the newspaper on Sundays), I am spending my personal time working on my next Food cover for the UT: sausages! I'll be spending my day sketching out compositions, prop shopping, cooking and shooting. The writer sent me home Thursday with a small selection of sausages from local butcher shops.
I decided such a busy day requires good morning fortification!
Recently I discovered the waffle and pancake mixes from Fresh & Easy and fell in love with the blueberry. There is a nice yeasty flavor and the waffles come out so fluffy: crunchy on the outside and doughy in the center. I always have frozen berries on hand so I added about a cupful of frozen mixed berries to a saucepan with about 1/2 cp of cold water and to sweeten, I added two packets of Equal but I'm sure you could use sugar or honey or whatever sweetener you love. I simmered on low while I made the waffles reducing the liquid by half in the process.
10 minutes later, breakfast was ready.
I made it extra special and self-pampering by using my china and not the paper plates I use for quick meals during the week. Ahhh... it truly is the simple things that can bring the most pleasure.
If you're feeling adventurous and would like to make your own waffle batter, you can find my recipe here. That post from a few years back also includes my recipe for fresh strawberries in sweetened balsamic as the topping. A great combo!
Until next time … ¡Buen Provecho!
P.S. For a quick tip on how I shot this using a point and shoot and natural window light, head on over to my photo blog.
Thanks for stopping by. Wow, that is a great photo with a point and shoot. You can see every little nook and cranny on the waffle. And that sauce looks amazing!